Create your online ticketing system & turn your events into unforgettable experiences

From sales to access control, organise your events in total peace of mind thanks to an intuitive, customisable all-in-one solution.

Get started for free

2500 + organisers entrust their ticketing service to us

illustration of the organisersillustration of the organisers

For all events

Focus on the party, we'll take care of the technical stuff

Whether you want to organise a private concert or renowned international festival, we’re here to help you sell your tickets.

Image illustrating a festive event, with an open-air concert and enthusiastic crowd.

Start selling in 5 minutes

Discover Infomaniak Events

Sell your tickets immediately on our events portal and take advantage of our visibility throughout Switzerland and France to reach a new audience.

Do you have an official website? Infomaniak's ticketing service can be integrated in just a few clicks and is fully customisable thanks to its API.

Screenshot of a web page featuring events in Switzerland, such as concerts and shows, with search options and filters to find activities this week.

Increase the visibility of your events with physical points of sale

Logo for, partner in the promotion of cultural events.

A large-scale exhibition

Thanks to our partnership with, your cultural events can be promoted free of charge on their portal and reach a highly qualified audience.*

Visual of the partnership with, which promotes cultural events via a special portal to reach a qualified audience.

A network of trusted points of sale

Thanks to our partner Migros, your cultural events can be promoted on the portal and tickets sold throughout Switzerland via their network of physical points of sale.*

Presentation of the partnership with Migros, which enables cultural events to be promoted on and at points of sale in Switzerland.

*On request to our support and approval of the partner.

Hand holding a glass of beer at an outdoor festival, with a crowd and stage in the background.

Sell more with tie-in products products

Goodies and tie-in products

Increase your revenues by selling merchandising before and during your events.

Food & Drink

Invite your visitors to pre-order drinks and snacks online and collect them with their ticket on the day. This will optimise queues at your stands as well as stock management.

Visual of an interface displaying a ticketing revenue of CHF 15,000, with a button to pay out the funds, against the backdrop of an indoor concert.

Your money when you need it

Your sales revenue is paid to you monthly or on demand, without waiting for your events to end.

Local support at your service

Support based in Geneva and Winterthur

Guaranteed response within 24 hours

Available by phone or email

24/7 priority support

With our premium support, you benefit from bespoke support in setting up and managing your ticketing system.

Two smiling support team members, one wearing an Infomaniak t-shirt, pose in front of an imposing statue and a red cable car, representing a local and accessible support service.

Ticketing - Online and on-site ticketing solutions

Intuitive, customisable ticketing solution. Start selling online and at your event today!