The pro live streaming platform for your radio stations

Create your web radio easily and monetise your broadcasts with the market-leading solution adopted by more than 3,000 radio stations across Europe. Over 50 radio stations in the top 100 of the ACPM place their trust in us.

Get started for free

Everything you need to become a leading radio station

The best technologies

Access the best technologies, such as HLS format, and let Infomaniak take care of the transcoding of your feed to guarantee the best quality for your listeners, whatever the speed of their connection.

Create an online radio

Start your free radio streaming for free

Join over 3,000 radio stations in Europe and test the power of our radio streaming service for free. Are you an established radio station?

Get started for free

It’s never been easier to create your radio online

Broadcast your radio online in 3 steps. You don't have to be a technical expert to reach millions of listeners.

1. Create your radio

Choose the name of your radio, add your logo and create your first feeds according to your needs.

Install the hardware encoder of your choice or configure Icecast compatible software.

All you need to do is integrate your personalised player wherever you want (website, mobile app, etc.).


Opt for a complete, flexible and scalable platform

Leading companies place their trust in us

As a pioneer in the radio streaming market, we have developed unique know-how and skills in Europe to accompany you at every stage of your radio's development.


+3 000

stations, including 50 in the ACPM top 100

Over 13 million

of daily listening sessions

Over 20 years

experience in live audio broadcasting


Stefano Allocco - Technical Director of Media One Group (over 3 million monthly listeners)

Infomaniak's radio streaming service is robust and stable over the long term. What we also really appreciate at Infomaniak is the human contact; we know that we can talk to the teams and that we will get the necessary support in return, which is valuable.

Launch your web radio

Test the power of our radio streaming service for free. Are you an established radio station?

Get started for free

More than quality support. A human relationship.


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Trustpilot logo

Our support operatives handle your requests with a smile 7 days a week from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. from Geneva or Winterthur. Our team is in close contact with our developers and engineers in order to handle your requests efficiently.

Brackets image

Quick, personalised and effective contact rarely seen in an assistance service. Assistance provided with detailed advice. Absolutely amazed by the professionalism.

Image trustPilot
Jean-Pierre Morisetti,
Openspace image

Quality support! Transparent and in particular human! They always listened to my concerns and resolved them, as well as using intuitive interfaces that any beginner can use. All my personal projects are with you. I'll certainly not be leaving such a big family as yours

Icone trustPilot
Brackets image

Thank you Infomaniak! +300% visits in 1 week on my website and -1 second on average for the pages on PageSpeed! Excellent local and responsible company, thank you!

Icone Twitter
La Genevoise,

Do you have any questions or doubts?

We’ve compiled the questions we’re often asked – see below.

  • A web radio requires the transmitter and the listener to have an Internet connection and broadcasts content digitally. Listeners access it by connecting to the app, the website or the players available on the online radio.
    Over-the-air radio stations broadcast continuous waves on a given frequency.

  • A web radio broadcasts audio content in real time via the Internet while a podcast platform broadcasts content "on demand". The two services are complementary: it is common to create podcasts to archive radio broadcasts and allow people who missed the live broadcast to access them whenever they want.

  • Here are the formats supported by Infomaniak's radio streaming service: MP3, AAC+ (AAC-LC) and multi-bitrate HLS.

  • The costs are calculated according to the bandwidth consumed, which depends on several factors: the quality of the feed, the number of listeners and the listening time.

  • Yes, it is possible to broadcast advertising through advertising agencies like Adswizz or SoundCast. Servers are specially configured for these agencies.
    It is possible to broadcast advertisements at the beginning of listening (pre-roll) and during listening (mid-roll).

  • You can add as many radio feeds as you have stations with Infomaniak's radio streaming service.

  • We provide an Infomaniak player that you can customise and integrate very easily on your website or app via an iFrame tag.
    The latter is also able to display the album covers of the track being played automatically.

  • Yes, you can broadcast your digital content by transmitting your signal (via the broadcast URL) to the DAB+ broadcast operator of your choice. Like an FM over-the-air broadcast, a single listening will be consumed on our servers, and the feed will be rebroadcast in DAB+ to an unlimited number of people without increasing your bandwidth consumption.