If you are an entity that processes data of a personal nature, you are probably affected by the provisions of the General Regulations on the Protection of Data (GDPR). Due to this, you have obligations with which you must comply. The same applies to Infomaniak which, in view of its situation, has distinct obligations as a sub-contractor and data processing manager.

It is essential to distinguish between the security of the infrastructures on which your data is hosted and the exploitation and implementation of the data by you.

Customer's Role

Customer's role

It is solely responsible for the security of resources and application systems that it uses with Infomaniak's services.

Infomaniak's role

Infomaniak's Role

We are committed to ensuring the safety of our infrastructure, including a security policy that meets the requirements of various standards and certifications as well as the GDPR.

Frequently asked questions about the GDPR and Infomaniak

Yes. Nevertheless, we remind you that it is your responsibility to make the content (CMS, plugins, forms, etc.) that you host through our services compatible with the GDPR.

It is important to distinguish between the security of the infrastructures on which you are hosting your data and how you use the data. As a hosting service, Infomaniak is limited to a role of sub-contractor concerning the GDPR. Thus, our policy concerning data confidentiality and the use of cookies as well as our terms and conditions let you have the necessary guarantees relating to our conformity as a sub-contractor.

If needed, you can easily find a professional or Internet guides to help you in this compliance process.
Like companies that work with European citizens, Infomaniak must comply with the General Data Protection Regulation:

Yes. The Infomaniak officer for everything relating to using, managing, and protecting personal data is Yoann Lopez. As the data protection officer, he is responsible for informing and advising processing managers, all company employees and any subcontractors.

If necessary, please write directly to the address dpo@infomaniak.com.