Certifications and labels
Our commitments to the environment, quality, security and data confidentiality are enshrined in recognised standards, which require that we implement them and improve them continuously.
ISO 27001:2022
Infomaniak has been certified ISO 27001 since June 2018. This standard specifies the requirements relating to the implementation, updating and continuous improvement of an information security management system. It ensures that the security measures are identified and continuously improved with a view to protecting data against any loss, theft or alteration and IT systems against any intrusion or incident.
ISO 9001:2015
Infomaniak has been certified ISO 9001 since July 2022. This standard provides a framework of requirements in terms of quality management designed to increase customer satisfaction and ensure the provision of quality products and services.
ISO 14001:2015
Infomaniak has been certified ISO 14001 since April 2015. This standard defines the management criteria for measuring and reducing the impact of our activities on the environment, complying with conformity obligations and achieving the environmental goals set by the company. It also makes it possible to anticipate and manage the environmental risks linked to our activities.
ISO 50001:2018
Infomaniak has been certified ISO 50001 since April 2015. This standard defines a framework of requirements for setting measurable energy performance goals in order to analyse and continuously improve energy efficiency and management.
CO2 compensation certified at 200%
Infomaniak offsets its entire CO2 emissions twice over via two myclimate projects featuring a high environmental and social value:
- The forest reserve in the Swiss Jura
(100% of emissions offset) - Community reforestation in Nicaragua
(100% of emissions offset)
Infomaniak is a Swiss registrar accredited by ICANN, the internet regulatory authority that ensures strict compliance with international standards relating to the security, stability and interoperability of the internet. Infomaniak is also accredited by numerous domain name registries such as Switch, Afnic, VeriSign, CentralNIC, Afillias, etc.

Renewable energy certificate
Infomaniak uses energy from renewable sources (60% from Électricité Vitale Bleu – large dams – and 40% from Électricité Vitale Verte – solar energy and micro hydroelectric plants). The energy is purchased through Services Industriels de Genève and its origin is Swiss and partly local.

Improving our energy performance, a continuous process
Infomaniak is committed to éco21, the energy-saving programme of the Services industriels de Genève (SIG).
This commitment is reflected in energy performance measures and constant reflection with a view to continuing to reduce our electricity consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
Label Swiss Made Software
The "Swiss MadeSoftware" label certifies that the Infomaniak head office is located in Switzerland, that the majority of our developments are created in Switzerland and that the development costs incurred in Switzerland represent at least 60% of the total production costs. Infomaniak develops its software solutions exclusively in Switzerland, thereby exceeding the requirements of this label.
Label Swiss Hosting
The "Swiss Hosting" label certifies that Infomaniak is legally and physically located in Switzerland and that the customer data, online tools, software as a service (SaaS) and factual data (commercial information, financial data, etc.) are hosted and executed in a data center located in Switzerland. Infomaniak has full control over the design and management of its data centers in Switzerland, thereby exceeding the requirements of this label.
Label Swiss Made
The "Swiss Made" label certifies that the Infomaniak head office is located in Switzerland and that its services are genuinely provided from Switzerland. It is synonymous with Swiss quality and underlines the company’s attachment to Switzerland as an economic hub. All jobs at Infomaniak are based in Switzerland, in Geneva and Winterthur, and the company has not delocalised any of its services, including those relating to support activities.