Create your video / audio on demand platform

Store and stream your recordings without limits

This video is edited and distributed using Infomaniak’s VOD service

Simple, accessible and compatible with all formats

Our VOD / AOD platform supports avi, flv, mov, mpeg, mp4, mkv, rm, wmv, m4v, vob, 3gp, webm and f4v formats. Upload your video or audio files in one go and let our VOD / AOD service do the rest with advanced adaptive conversion technology.


Your source files are preserved

Try and repeat as many times as you like, your source files are kept safe from loss.

Webcast your creations simply

Allow your media to be shared on Facebook, Twitter, by email or on YouTube.

Compatible with 360° videos

Import your 360° media and create an immersive video.


Compatible with
all supports

Import your audio or video media and broadcast it to smartphones & tablets on Android, iOS, Linux, Chromebook, Smart TV and all Windows/Apple browsers.


Connected to the rest of the world

Our VOD / AOD platform lets you import live media or media from external platforms such as YouTube or Vimeo.


Choose your encoding rules

Infomaniak offers presets with numerous formats (HLS, DASH, MP4, etc.), or you can define your own encoding rules (codec, bitrate, etc.).


A scalable platform that adapts to your needs

Do you want to control the delivery of your media, customise and adapt the player to your website, change the delivery quality or monetise your video? Anything’s possible.



It’s possible to insert an ad at the beginning (pre-roll), middle (mid-roll) or end (post-roll) of a video or playlist. It’s also possible to insert an ad over video content (overlay / toaster / non-linear). Everything is, of course, compatible with the IAB specifications (VAST 3, VAST 4 and VPAID)

Captivate your audience

  • This tool allows you to adjust the beginning and end of your video files without having to process them with editing software

Designed to integrate seamlessly with your services

Encoding management

Encodings can be optimised for webcasting or archiving.

Management from your FTP

Share without holding back: send your media from our interface or straight from your FTP

Available via our API

Manage your account from your apps and integrate your media directly in your environments.

Dynamic, intelligent playlists for your live broadcasts

playlist image

Let your playlists update automatically as new media is added, or take complete control of your media order with manual mode.

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Optimal video quality

Preserve every pixel of your productions and encode your work in multiple qualities to ensure smooth delivery (4K, 2K, 1080p, 720p, 480p, etc.).

Infomaniak’s VOD will automatically adapt the quality to the device and connection of your viewers.

Audio at the heart of your creations

With audio making a comeback, you simply can’t miss out. Develop your audio content via our interface and webcast your podcasts

Our AOD service is compatible with all formats, MP3, Wave, Flack, etc. The extension of your soundtracks will no longer put a brake on your creativity!

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State-of-the-art infrastructure

Our infrastructure handles tens of thousands of simultaneous connections per hour thanks to an architecture based on a cluster of load-balancing servers.

Load-balancing server

For reliable webcasting of your video files, even during large audience peaks, we have load balancing servers dedicated to the reception, encoding and distribution of audio and video content.

24/24 monitoring

In the event of disruption, we work 24/7 to re-establish a properly functioning service. An email is automatically sent to the customer to inform them.

High-capacity connection

Infomaniak is connected to the world at 330 Gbit/s. It means that our infrastructure is capable of sending and receiving the equivalent of almost 4000 hours of Netflix in HD every minute.


With video on demand, radio and TV broadcasters have a professional broadcasting space. Our infrastructure has been developed in such a way as to be able to absorb high audience peaks.

Reliability and availability

To ensure failure- or interruption-free webcasting, our network and technical infrastructures incorporate numerous security systems.

Convinced by our service?

See the offers

Do you have any questions or doubts?

We’ve compiled the questions we’re often asked – see below.

  • Infomaniak’s VOD platform manages all the current formats (HLS, DASH, MP4...) and qualities (720p, 1080p, 4K...), and you can freely customise your encoding rules if necessary. By default, videos are encoded to support multi-bitrate to provide the best possible experience for your viewers, regardless of their internet connection speed.

  • The HLS and DASH formats are more reliable, more secure and faster than the mp4 format. Also known as multi-bitrate or adaptive throughput, this technology segments the media into a sequence of small files:
    • The quality automatically adjusts to the bandwidth or resolution of your viewers.
    • Reading is much less likely to be interrupted when network quality deteriorates, such as on public transport.
    • It’s much more complicated to download your content by retrieving the mp4 link directly.

    If downloading a single mp4 file is something you want to offer your visitors, it’s entirely possible to combine the two.

    Finally, these formats are natively supported by Safari and most players.

  • VOD / AOD is a platform for storing, encoding and webcasting video and audio. You can also archive and classify your media with a tree structure, as you would on your computer.

  • The consumption corresponds to the storage used and the bandwidth consumed for webcasting your media.

    Example with the 5 TB Pro plan:
    If you have 100 GB of video on your space, then 4.9 TB are allocated to the webcasting (or downloading) of these videos by your users.

    At the end of each billing month, the counter resets to 0, which unlocks another 5 TB (storage used + bandwidth consumption).

  • All common formats are natively supported. Feel free to try the platform and contact us if you encounter a problem with a specific format.

  • Both solutions are possible.

    We offer a complete player that can be integrated via an iframe code for each video. If you’ve kept the encoding parameters by default, the player will automatically adapt the quality of the media to your viewers’ circumstances. Infomaniak’s player can be customised and incorporates numerous functions: watermark, segmentation, playlist, ads, Chromecast, Picture-in-Picture...)

    If you want to develop your own player or use a third-party solution, we provide all the necessary integration links (thumbnail, poster, multi-bitrate link, single bitrate, etc...).

  • Yes, our player allows you to integrate the VAST / VPAID tags provided by advertising agencies so you can display PRE / MID / POST-ROLL according to your needs.

    • You have little or no control over the advertising on your media. If you are paid (which you may not be), you receive only a small percentage of the revenue.
    • The player imposes a logo that’s not adapted to your brand image.
    • Your content often becomes the property of these providers. You don’t control the use of your content or the data that’s analysed.
    • Your content may be analysed for legal and advertising purposes.
    • It’s impossible to get help or custom features in the event of problems or questions.

    Infomaniak doesn’t analyse your media and offers advanced video management:
    • Filing by tree structure for more practical storage
    • Storage and bandwidth management
    • Sending media online or via FTP or API
    • Independent monetisation of your media
    • Protection of your content
    • Customization of player
    • Protection of your content
    • Etc.

  • Yes. You can store your sources and offer e.g. sharing links for submission to third parties. Automatic encoding rules dedicated for doing this have been provided.

  • Yes, Infomaniak’s VOD / AOD platform integrates perfectly with our video and radio streaming solution! You can schedule the recording of your live content from your stream. You can even automate this via our API and callback systems.

  • Infomaniak’s encoding and player are perfectly compatible with 360° videos. It means you can use this format in conjunction with the classic formats.