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The secure collaborative cloud

Store, share and synchronise your data in an ethical cloud.

Screenshot of Infomaniak's kDrive online storage service showing an interface with recent folders and files.

All the space you need

Enjoy permanent access to all your photos, videos and documents. kDrive can store up to 106 TB of data.

Everything you need for secure collaboration

Collaborate online on Office documents, organise meetings, share your work. Anything is possible!

A sovereign storage service

Entrust your data to an independent cloud developed and hosted exclusively in Switzerland.

NSA / Cloud Act non-compliant

A trusted cloud that respects privacy

  • Your data is encrypted on our servers

  • Developed and hosted exclusively in Switzerland

  • Your data is not resold or analysed

  • Infomaniak is an independent Swiss company

  • Accessible, Swiss-based customer service

  • Transparent confidentiality policy

Image of a person using a computer in an office to represent a secure working environment.

Collaborate effectively in the workplace

All your documents in one place, with access from anywhere

Share files easily and collaborate with several other people in real time on text documents, spreadsheets or presentations.

Collaborate in real time on your Docs, Grids & Points documents

kDrive allows you to work online on your Word, Excel and PowerPoint files. You prefer LibreOffice or OpenOffice? They’ll work too!

Keep your data safe

kDrive backs up your data on three media and in two data centers. No need to worry about losing files if something happens to your devices.

Retrieve all your data

Automatically import all content from your current cloud (Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft One Drive).

Access your files wherever you are

Whether you’re at the office, at home or in the mountains, kDrive’s always at hand. You’re always productive.

Download the kDrive app

Customise kDrive to match your corporate image

Custom Brand 100 days free then
CHF 50.00 / year

Your brand, your domain

Customise your tools with your logo, colours and domain name. You control your data and brand image from start to finish.


Your shares, your image

Boost your impact with your partners and customers by personalising what you share with your logo and background images.

Background with colour gradation from purple to blue behind the kSuite user interface icons.

kDrive is included with kSuite

Infomaniak Mail icon
Contacts icon

All your favourite features, with added security

A time machine

Work without fear of being daring. You can retrieve an older version of your documents at any time.

With kDrive Pro, kSuite Pro and kSuite Enterprise

Advanced search, even in your documents, images and PDFs

Find what you want in a fraction of a second in the content of all your PDF files, work documents and images.

Keep control of your data

Manage one or more kDrives with ease: users, access rights, usage statistics, storage, data recovery after a user leaves, etc. Everything is managed in the same place.

Work in a secure ecosystem

Secure your shares easily with a password. Your recipients don't even need to have an Infomaniak account to collaborate on documents or access your resources.

We offset our CO2 emissions by 200%, but that’s not all.

Ecology and Infomaniak have been a love story dating back 30 years, and it's not about to end now.

We operate the most environmentally-friendly data centers in Switzerland. Our new data center even fully recycles the energy it consumes in order to heat households!

But that's not all. At Infomaniak, we're optimising and reducing our carbon footprint, from servers to post-its to the way our staff travel.

We strive for excellence for our customers and boast service availability of over 99.99%, with one of the highest-performance infrastructures in Europe.

Welcome to Infomaniak.

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Custom Brand

illustration custom brand

kDrive with your brand and logo

When you share documents or hold video conferences, your customers are always in your brand world.

Choose the offer that's right for you

kDrive Free


  • 15 GB of storage Drive

  • 1 user max.

  • Non-scalable storage space

Applications included with kDrive:

kDrive Solo


/ month*

  • 3 TB of storage Drive

  • 1 user max.

  • Non-scalable storage space

Applications included with kDrive:

Ideal for teamwork

kDrive Team


/ month*

  • 3 TB of storage Drive

  • 6 users included and max.

  • Storage scalable up to 18 TB *

Applications included with kDrive:

kDrive Pro


per user / month*

  • 6 TB of storage Drive

  • From 3 users

  • Storage scalable up to 106 TB *

Applications included with kDrive:

Choose kSuite, which incorporates kDrive and all our productivity applications

Applications included in kSuite:

From CHF 3.67 / month
Discover the kSuite offerings

A domain name is required with kSuite

* Storage can be increased in 5 TB increments (from CHF 36.00 / month for 5 TB). 30-day trial. Termination possible at any time during the trial period.

Compatible with Renewal Warranty: never lose access to your Drive

SMEs, individuals, everyone deserves kDrive security

100% secure, hosted and developed in Switzerland

A security guard next to an open safe against a cloudy sky, symbolising data protection.