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Discover the vulnerability detection tool
This guide presents the vulnerability detection tool of your Web hosting.
- There are thousands of cyber threats and if your website is infected, your business may suffer not only because of its unavailability, but also because of the loss of confidence of your visitors and customers.
- The tool offered by Infomaniak is a free and complementary antivirus protection that protects all Infomaniak hosting from malware and security flaws.
Operation of this service
The tool acts behind the scenes to detect potential security issues. These vulnerabilities can allow malicious people to alter the content of your sites, which would penalize your reputation with your customers and search engines.
Without action on your part within 7 days of detection, the tool automatically fixes the security flaws of the majority of CMS and/or quarantines malware without affecting the proper functioning of your sites.
In case of need, it is possible to...
After detection by the tool, it is also recommended to check all of your hosting if you notice suspicious changes to files that the protection would not have detected automatically.
A second tab allows you to analyze and display obsolete applications and extensions on your hosting:
Data privacy
Like Infomaniak, the tool is compliant and complies with the EU General Data Protection Regulation: analyses are carried out locally on Infomaniak servers. The contents or signatures of the scanned files are not transmitted outside the infrastructure.
In accordance with the privacy policy, the processed data are limited to the strictly necessary and relate to the username, email address, path and file names, mainly for the purpose of being able to communicate the detections to the client.