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Create a unique event in the Calendar Infomaniak Web app
This guide explains how to add a simple new unique event on a Web app calendar / calendar Calendar Infomaniak (online service) calendar.infomaniak.com for the management of your events and appointments).
- To create an event recurrent / event returning regularly, be aware of this other guide.
- To plan/act Meeting between several users and find the best niche, take notice of this other guide concerning the appointment assistant.
Add New Event
To plan a unique event in a calendar managed by Infomaniak:
- Click here to access the web app Calendar Infomaniak (online service) calendar.infomaniak.com).
- Click on the button More at the top left of the interface to create a New event.
- Fill in the most important fields:
or display others first by clicking on EFFECTING MORE FIELDS at the bottom right (and some of these fields can be taken automatically when possible) Recovery). - Click on REGISTER to add the event to the selected calendar.
You can also click directly on the calendar to add a new event, by dragging the mouse pointer over a desired time period.
For add an attachment from kDrive at your events on Calendar, take note of this other guide.
To add reminders at your events on Calendar, take note of this other guide.
Add participants to the event
To invite users, add their name or email address when creating the event or thereafter:
You will be informed of their presence or refusal if they follow the procedure sent to them by email at the creation of the event.
Any updates to a planned event are also sent by email to all participants.
Automatically find the best time between participants
Before the creation of the event and therefore before the invitations are sent to the participants, it is possible to determine the best schedule suitable for all depending on the availability of each (other appointments entered in their calendars e.g.):
- Click here to access the web app Calendar Infomaniak (online service) calendar.infomaniak.com).
- Click on the button More at the top left of the interface to create a New event.
- Choose a date and time that would suit you for the event.
- Add the participants.
- Click on the drop-down menu below the participants to find the time immediately available for all participants closest to the time initially desired:
In the example above, 10h is not suitable for an appointment of one hour because Jean Dupontalready has an appointment planned in its calendar at 10:45 am so the system offers 11:45 am, the closest time where all participants will be available.
An asterisk *
next to a participant means that the user's availability is unknown because...
- ... or the person invited by his or her e-mail address is not a Infomaniak user: no user account exists with the specified email address...
- ... or the guest does not share its availabilities: she does not share her calendar at least in reading with the organiser of the appointment or has not transferred her calendar to at least one of the organiser's Organisations...
Meeting room
Be aware of this other guide if you are looking for information about meeting rooms it is possible to preconfigure to link an event to a location of this type.