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Manage users kSuite
This guide concerns: kSuite and the management of users and their different types of access.
- Each offer kSuite includes 1 first user offered at the time of subscription:
- offer Standard presented with 1 free user for life and additional users paid and in reduced management; storage space (excluding mail volume since unlimited) is 15 GB per user
- offer Pro presented with 1 paying user, with a storage space of 3TB (3000GB; excluding mail volume since unlimited) per user
- offer Enterprise presented with 1 paying user, with a storage space of 6TB (6000GB; excluding mail volume since unlimited) per user
- You can include up to 300 users per kSuite.
- Each user is entitled to his/her email address on the domain name around which your kSuite is articulated, without limit of mail storage volume. The email address quota will depend on the offer and the number of users:
- Standard : 1 user = 2 email addresses (2 = 4, etc.)
- Pro : 1 user = 5 email addresses (2 = 10, etc.)
- Enterprise : 1 user = 10 email addresses (2 = 20, etc.)
- You can assign an email address kSuite to a user who is not part of kSuite.
- To obtain more e-mail addresses, it is necessary modify the offer to increase the number of users Example:
- You order a kSuite Pro with 5 users, you get a quota of 5x5=25 email addresses in total in your kSuite, which you can use (for any use - the creation of an email address within the Mail Service kSuite is identical to that of a mail service out of kSuite).
Add user to kSuite
- The quota of users that can be added to kSuite must be sufficient; adjust the offer kSuite If necessary.
- Click here in order to access the management of your product on the Manager Infomaniak (Need help?).
- Click on the action menu â‹® in the part Users.
- Click on Add User:
Two possibilities are proposed:
a. Add a user not yet related to the Organization on which kSuite is located
b. Adding a user already in the Organization on which kSuite is located
In both cases Follow the assistant by reading the instructions carefully.
Be aware of this other guide to add an external user to the Organization so that it can use kChat and kDrive without visibility of the products themselves on the Manager directly.
Be aware of this other guide for examples of adding user to kDrive / kSuite.
It is not possible to add a user so that it does not access only at kDrive or that at kChat separately. In this case, it would be appropriate to use rather e.g. sharing functions so that third parties can join kDrive temporarily.