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Understand web transfer protocols
This guide details file transfer protocols on Infomaniak Web Hosting and Cloud Server when connecting to ProFTPD servers.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
FTP connections in "active" and "passive" modes are supported (switch between the two to troubleshoot any issues).
Infomaniak opens passive ports on its side [PassivePorts 42000 44000
] but only for connections to its FTP server. Passive FTP mode involves using remote ports defined by the remote server, as well as local ports that may vary depending on the FTP software/client used.
Passive mode is primarily useful when the FTP software/client is behind a firewall or NAT router that blocks active FTP connections. However, Infomaniak's infrastructure allows active FTP connections, so passive mode is generally not required.
Regarding PHP, it is not possible by default to manage this configuration centrally. Therefore, it is not feasible for Infomaniak to open all ports to support all remote configurations, as this would be neither practical nor secure.
Overall, the infrastructure does not fully support passive mode outgoing FTP connections. For a smoother file transfer experience, it is recommended to use active FTP mode or explore more modern technologies like SFTP (see below).
SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)
Creating SFTP connections ensures high security for file transfers. Make sure you have SSH enabled on your SFTP software/client and use port 22
for the connection: sftp://*****
FTPES (FTP Secure with TLS/SSL)
Use FTPES for secure file transfers with port 21 and SSL/TLS encryption. With Filezilla, for example, select "Explicit FTP over TLS" to configure your FTPES software/client: ftpes://*****
Access to the FTPaccess configuration is available.
What is not supported
Public/Anonymous User
Connecting as a public or anonymous user is not allowed. You must have a valid user account to access your hosting space.
FTPs (FTP Secure on a Custom Port)
The FTPs protocol is not supported, which means port 2121
is not open for this type of connection.