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Customize kChat
This guide details the different elements that can be configured and customized on kChat to best adapt to your user preferences.
Change the language of the kChat interface
kChat appears in the language chosen for the Manager and just like your avatar/profile photo, these settings are managed within the Infomaniak profile.
Set kChat on the Manager
To access kChat preferences and in particular define which channel (one or more possible channels) will automatically be added new users (excluding external users) in addition to belonging to the General channel:
- Click here in order to access the management of your product on the Manager Infomaniak (Need help?).
- Click Settings in the left side menu:
Customize the general display of kChat
To access the kChat application settings:
- Click here to access the kChat Web app (online service) kchat.infomaniak.com) or open the kChat mobile app (app for iOS / Android smartphone or tablet) or the kChat desktop app (app for MacOS / Windows / Linux desktop).
- Click on the icon at the top right of the interface.
You can choose:
- a display density, and a possible colour display in compact density
- display or not previews in your conversations
- the size of a channel (width)
- the starting position when you return to an unread channel
- the number of personal messages to display
The Notifications tab allows you to Customize notifications of kChat.
The Shortcuts tab shows the list of keyboard shortcuts available to work faster with kChat.
Solve a zoom concern of the display
To zoom in or out the display that would have become unreadable, use the following keyboard shortcuts:
- as on browser,
to dezoomize CTRL
to zoom inCTRL
to reapply default size
Dark Mode / Light Mode
To alternate between a light, dark or automatic:
- Click Appearance in the left side menu of the settings on the Web app:
Customize a discussion, channel, etc.
In front of each element of the left sidebar is an action menu which allows you to define the sorting order (alphabetic, by recent activity, manual):
Set Status
To enhance your profile and its display, in the kChat discussions as well as on the various pages and tools kSuite, you can set a status as text and/or emoticon, with a possible expiry date:
- Click on your avatar or initials at the top right of the interface.
- Click Select Custom Status.
- Enter a custom status or choose one from the suggestions.
- Enter an expiry date if necessary.
- Click on the smiley icon if you want to choose an emoji next to your name.
- Validate with the Set Status button.
Use kChat with your domain and brand
With Custom Brand (included in the kSuite Company offer, if not as an option), you can customize kChat with your logo, colors and URL of your domain name. Your employees are immersed from end to end in your brand. Be aware of this other guide on this subject.