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Resolve a web redirection error
You arrive on this page because you have a web redirection on your domain that is misconfigured. Infomaniak is not able to identify the correct path of this redirection, so you are redirected to this page to help you correct this situation.
Verification of the DNS area
In order to restore the operation of your redirection, you must first remove the traces of an old redirection that is not configured correctly:
- Access your DNS area.
- Delete all records that match the list below and match your redirection:
- Records:
- Type A that points to
(only figures) - AAAA type that points to IP
(digits and letters) - TXT whose chain looks like "
" (e.g. "1|
" if your redirection points to - TXT whose chain looks like "
" (e.g. "t|Texte
", "d|Texte
" or "k|Texte
- Type A that points to
- Records:
- Click on the icon â‹® to the right of the DNS entry and select Remove.
- You probably won't find all the records listed, that's quite normal.
- Any addition/amendment may take place up to 48 hours to spread.
- Re-direct Web.
Link to this FAQ: