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Save and/or restore data
This guide explains how to restore backups of previous versions of your files and other web data of your accommodation Infomaniak, and how to put in place an effective backup policy if the backups made available automatically and free of charge do not correspond or more to your needs in terms of availability or security.
Web hosting (Starter, Mutualized, Cloud Server)
Take note of these guides to restore automatic backups:
- of a whole accommodation (FTP + MySQL),
- of the specific files on hosting,
- of the Specific databases,
- of a Web application (Wordpress & Apps),
- of the Cloud Server SSH crons.
Take note of these guides to save and restore:
- accommodation with Swiss Backup and Acronis (simple),
- accommodation with Swiss Backup and Restic (advanced),
- WordPress with Swiss Backup,
- WordPress with an extension.
Also take note of
Accommodation v1 (old 60GB offer)
- View and/or download the automatic backup (versioning)of your data on your FTP space under
at the root of the domain (over/web
). - Restore this data.
- Restore Messages from Infomaniak automatic backups.
- Restore contacts or events of the calendar.
- Save the current content of an email account:
- in downloading current content in local,
- in duplicate all current content to an emergency box,
- in copying future e-mails as they arrive to an emergency box.
Domains / DNS areas
- Restore deleted DNS records from Infomaniak automatic backups.
- Restore one expired during the period of redemption.
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