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Install applications on Cloud Server (Fast Installer)
This guide explains how to install technologies, software, and applications (non-exhaustive list below) with just a few clicks on Cloud Server. Other technologies can be installed (click here).
Install (or uninstall) an application
To find the list of applications and proceed with their installation:
- Log in to the Infomaniak Manager ( using a web browser such as Brave or Firefox
- Click on the icon at the top right of the interface (or navigate using the left sidebar menu, for example)
- Select Cloud Server (in the Web & Domain universe)
- Click on the name of the relevant object in the displayed table
- Click on Fast installer in the left sidebar menu
- Click on the action menu ⋮ to the right of the application you want to uninstall in the displayed table
- Click on Uninstall
- Otherwise, click on the blue button Install an application to make your choice
Non-exhaustive list of available apps
- AdvanceCOMP
- BuildEssential
- electron_dev
- ExifTool
- FFmpeg
- Ghostscript
- Gifsicle
- GraphicsMagick
- HAProxy
- Imagemagick
- Jpegoptim
- libjpeg_turbo
- libqrencode
- libX11_xcb1
- MidnightCommander
- Memcached
- mongoDB
- NVM Node Version Manager
- OptiPNG
- p7zip
- PDFtk
- pip
- Pngcrush
- Pngquant
- Redis
- RRDTool The Round Robin Database Tool
- RubyCompass
- systemd
- tesseract_ocr
- varnish
- virtualenv
- WebP
- xauth
- xpdf
- xvfb
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