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Evolving a VPS Lite to a VPS Cloud
This guide explains how to migrate from a VPS Lite One-to-one VPS Cloud keeping all its data and without having to reconfigure anything from its installation.
It is not possible to cancel this change or to go back. Switching from a VPS Cloud to a VPS Lite is not possible.
migrating from VPS Lite to VPS Cloud
To start the operation, access the VPS Lite:
- Click here in order to access the management of your product on the Manager Infomaniak (Need help?).
- Click directly on the name assigned to the product concerned.
- Click on Evolving my offer:
- Click on the button Upgrade on the modal that appears.
- Complete the order to upgrade your VPS Lite.
- Wait during migration, a service interruption will be felt during the process.
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