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Solve an error 429 or 503 (related to the Web Server)
This guide details the type errors Rejected, too many connections from this host
if these occur by visiting a website.
Origin of errors
429 Too Many Requests
This error occurs when the server is overwhelmed by a large number of queries in a short period of time, which may be due to intensive use of the site or abuse.
503 Service temporarily unavailable
This error can be caused by several factors, including planned server maintenance, server overload due to high traffic, or running a script that exceeds the server's resource limits.
Rejected, too many connections from this host
This error occurs when the server refuses connections due to the high number of simultaneous connections from the same IP address. Get to know the "Access and error logs" on the dashboard of your accommodation to find multiple entries of the form:
[Fri Sep 02 11:40:31] [error] [client] Rejected, too many connections from this host. (vhost:domain.xyz uri:/js/modules/blocktopmenu/js/superfish-modified.js current:34 limit:30
[Fri Sep 02 11:40:31] [error] [client] Rejected, too many connections from this host. (vhost:domain.xyz uri:/js/modules/blocktopmenu/js/hoverIntent.js current:34 limit:30
[Fri Sep 02 11:40:31] [error] [client] Rejected, too many connections from this host. (vhost:domain.xyz uri:/js/modules/productscategory/productscategory.js current:34 limit:30
[Fri Sep 02 11:40:31] [error] [client] Rejected, too many connections from this host. (vhost:domain.xyz uri:/modules/feeder/rss.php current:35 limit:30
[Fri Sep 02 11:40:31] [error] [client] Rejected, too many connections from this host. (vhost:domain.xyz uri:/js/modules/favoriteproducts/favoriteproducts.js current:34 limit:30
In this example, IP
executes 30 simultaneous connections on each page therefore it is automatically rejected as it may look like an attack or scan.
Resolution tracks
Some ways to solve these errors:
- Check scripts that make multiple connections to the server to view data.
- Optimize the script(s) concerned so that they require less resources.
- Increase the limits the site concerned to allow the script to do everything it has to do and/or limit the number of simultaneous connections (especially on a Cloud Server where the limits — live memory, running time, simultaneous connections — can be significantly increased).
- Migrate your accommodation on a Cloud Server.