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Force the activation of validation in two steps (2FA) to the users of the Organization
Force the activation of validation in two steps (2FA) to the users of the Organization
This guide explains how to require users of your Organization to activate two-factor authentication (2FA), then verify that it remains activated afterwards.
- Each Infomaniak user has the ability to activate two-step verification for access to their account, which significantly increases the security of all the Organization's services...
- A legal representative can require this activation, otherwise access to the Manager and Web apps will no longer be possible for the user.
- Access to desktop apps (desktop application on macOS / Windows / Linux) and mobile apps (application for smartphone or iOS / Android tablet) will always be possible without 2FA.
- It is recommended to inform users of your Organization in advance, to allow them to continue using the services.
- If an external user does not wish to perform the operation requested by an Organization administrator, they can choose to leave the Organization instead of activating it.
Identifying users without 2FA
You can easily identify people who have not yet activated this security feature on their account:
- Click here to access your Organization's user management.
- This red symbol means that 2FA is not activated:
- You can also filter long lists with this specific criterion to display only users who have not yet activated 2FA:
- To easily alert a user about the security of their account, click on the action menu ⋮ located to its right.
- Click on Send a security alert to send an automatic email to the user informing them of their different settings:
Require activation of 2FA
- You must be an Administrator or Legal representative within the Organization.
To access the settings:
- Click here to access the Organization's security management on the Infomaniak Manager (need help?).
- Click on the toggle switch button to activate an additional login verification requirement for all users of the Organization:
- Confirm the activation of the feature in the window that opens.
- Once the feature is activated, Organization users who have not yet activated 2FA receive a message (from the next action on their account) prompting them to configure an additional authentication method from those offered and preventing them from taking any other action before this one:
Link to this FAQ: