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Install ownCloud (or Nextcloud) in just a few clicks
This guide explains how to install ownCloud (or Nextcloud which is a version improved of the Owncloud) in a few clicks on the offers ofWeb hosting paid.
- A cloud system (storage, synchronization and file sharing) also exists independently of your hosting products: kDrive Infomaniak
- OwnCloud is part of the applications (not developed by Infomaniak) and allows the installation of a file storage & sharing system within a "cloud" that you fully control (user management, permissions, quotas, associated mobile applications, etc.).
- Unlike other hosts, Infomaniak allows the use ofownCloud on its accommodation:
- Personal use is allowed on shared web hosting.
- For intensive and professional use, it is recommended to opt for a Cloud Server to install ownCloud or Nextcloud.
Install ownCloud
- Owning Infomaniak Web Hosting (order if necessary).
- Adding a blank website on Infomaniak hosting.
- Upgrade the part Databases if necessary (especially for Nextcloud)
To access Web Hosting and install an application:
- Click here in order to access the management of your product on the Manager Infomaniak (Need help?).
- Click directly on the nameallocated to the product concerned.
- Click on the button Add app:
- Choose the desired application (if necessary, filter and search).
- Click on Select:
- Click at the bottom of the page on Next.
- Leave the default location or choose to install the app in a new folder that you can create with an icon visible to the right of point 8 on the image.
- If necessary, choose to install an earlier version.
- Click on the button Next:
- Configure username and password.
- Specify some advanced settings if necessary (type of backup In particular).
- Get to know and accept the conditions of use selected app.
- Click on the button Next:
- Confirm the installation of the application in the next step and patiently:
- See any error message on the screen if, for example, the selected installation folder is not empty or if the PHP version of the site on which you are trying to install is not compatible.
Link to this FAQ: