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Managing Jelastic Cloud users
This guide pertains to user collaboration on Jelastic Cloud environments, which is not directly offered in the current Jelastic infrastructure.
Granting Access to Other Users
The solutions for allowing other users to access your Jelastic environment depend on the type of access required:
Scenario 1
You want to share access to the Jelastic dashboard (please note that the user to whom these rights are assigned will have access to all environments on the Jelastic Cloud dashboard).
To do this, you need to grant rights to the product directly when creating the user. Collaborator rights are sufficient.
Scenario 2
You want to share rights to a single environment; however, this action is not possible as collaboration is disabled for security reasons.
You can transfer an environment to the desired person, provided that they have a Jelastic Cloud in the same billing group (e.g., EUR or CHF billing). To perform this action, you need to change the owner of the environment (an action possible directly from the Jelastic dashboard in the environment's configuration tab).
Also, read this FAQ (click here).