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Securing Videos with GeoIP Restrictions
This guide explains how to restrict access to imported videos on an Infomaniak VOD service based on geographical criteria and/or IP addresses.
Restricting Access via GeoIP
Geographical and IP restrictions are configured at the import folder level and will protect all videos in the folder. To configure this folder:
- Log in to the Infomaniak Manager ( from a web browser like Brave or Edge
- Click on the icon in the top right corner of the interface (or navigate using the left sidebar menu, for example)
- Choose VOD/AOD (Streaming universe)
- Click on the name of the relevant object in the displayed table
- Click on Media in the left sidebar menu
- Click on Media Management in the left sidebar menu
- Click on the icon to create a New folder
- Give the folder a name
- Click the blue button to Create the folder
- Click on Configuration
- Choose the encoding rules for the videos to be imported and proceed to the next step
- Configure the folder options at this second step and proceed to the next step
- Define the countries that should be allowed or denied
- Define the IP addresses or ranges that should be allowed or denied (the * character is allowed)
- Click the blue button once the desired restrictions have been configured
- Upload new videos to this folder to have them restricted by password when played
Thumbnails to Display in Case of GeoIP Restrictions
To modify the images that should be displayed to the viewer impacted by a restriction you have put in place:
- Log in to the Infomaniak Manager ( from a web browser like Brave or Edge
- Click on the icon in the top right corner of the interface (or navigate using the left sidebar menu, for example)
- Choose VOD/AOD (Streaming universe)
- Click on the name of the relevant object in the displayed table
- Click on Players in the left sidebar menu
- Add a new player or edit an existing player
- Click on the THUMBNAILS tab
- Upload the desired images for the different situations described on the page:
- Click the blue button at the bottom of the page to Save
Other access restrictions can be activated and involve file access: token + password.
Link to this FAQ: