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Schedule a meeting in the Infomaniak Web Calendar app
This guide explains how to use the appointment scheduling assistant on the calendar/agenda of the Web app Calendar Infomaniak (online service for managing your events and appointments) to schedule a meeting between multiple users.
- To simply create and configure a new event, please refer to this guide.
Create a New Shared Event
To launch the scheduling assistant:
- Click here to access the Web app Calendar Infomaniak (online service
- Click on the chevron to the right of the button to create a new event.
- Click on Scheduling Assistant:
The assistant appears on the right of the screen, while the left side allows you to select the event day.
The goal is to find the best time to schedule a meeting between multiple users in the organization.
To do this, each person's availability (based on their schedules and the settings defined in the calendar preferences) is displayed in columns:
- When creating a new event for a team of users:
- The meeting title is automatically generated but can be modified.
- The event duration (and its placement within the day) can be adjusted, including on the left side using the mouse cursor.
- A potential room is automatically selected but can be changed.
- Participants can be added up to a maximum of 25:
Link to this FAQ: