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Change the password of a Web Application
This guide explains how to change the WordPress management password or any other Web application (Joomla, Drupal, Typo3, PrestaShop, ownCloud, etc.) installed via Infomaniak tools included in the offersWeb hosting paid.
- Some applications also allow a change of user password directly from their dedicated interface:
- Example: WordPress (manage users, names, passwords, roles, etc.).
Change the password of a Web app
To change the password to the administration panel of your web application, perform the following actions:
- Click here in order to access the management of your product on the Manager Infomaniak (Need help?).
- Click directly on the nameallocated to the product concerned:
- Click on the action menu â‹® located to the right of the relevant Web Application.
- Click on Parameters of the application:
- Click on Edit to the right of the Application:
- Under Password Enter the new password (for connection to the identifier indicated above):
- Click on the button Save at the bottom of the page.
Link to this FAQ: