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Add logo to e-mails with BIMI
The BIMI standard (Brand Indicators for Message Identification, brand indicators for message identification) offers companies the opportunity to incorporate their logo into the e-mails sent.
- Infomaniak applications (and other companies around the globe - read the chapter in the event of a problem below) are compatible with BIMI and will display the logos next to the email messages received.
- The Infomaniak Mail Services allow you to configure the mail with your logo (read the prerequisites well); the advantages are many:
- Increased confidence: Recipients can visually identify your emails, thus reducing the risk of phishing.
- Strengthening the Brand: a logo that is clearly visible in the inboxes enhances the brand's reputation.
- Better delivability: DMARC compliant e-mails are more likely to reach the main inbox.
1. Create a logo
Create a SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) logo. This format is required as it ensures optimal quality regardless of the device or display size.
To be imported to the Infomaniak interface (see below) it must not exceed 10 MB, but it can also be hosted on a publicly accessible secure server and you will simply need to specify its URL for the BIMI DNS record.
2. Obtain VMC certificate
A verified logo certification (VMC) is required; it attests that you are the legitimate owner of the logo. You can obtain this certification from the certification authorities recognised as DigiCert and Entrust.
When your VMC certificate is issued, you will receive a PEM file containing the entity's certificate. This PEM file incorporates your logo in SVG format as well as the VMC.
3. Add logo to Service Mail
- All the lights Global security Your Mail Service must be green (SPF + DKIM + DMARC)!
In order to access the Mail Service and define your company's logo:
- Click here in order to access the management of your product on the Manager Infomaniak (Need help?).
- Click directly on the name assigned to the product concerned.
- Click Global Security in the left side menu.
- Click the Create button (in the part BIMI):
- Complete the requested information from the documents received (see Chapter 2 above) and remember to register.
In case of a problem
- If the Create button in the BIMI box remains grey, check the informative messages: the DMARC may exist but not be at the required rejection percentage, so adjust the parameters according to the indications.
- When there are several domains related to the Mail Service, ensure that you have a certificate on each related domain if you want BIMI on them.
- It should be noted that Microsoft Outlook, Apple Mail, Thunderbird, the app Mail Samsung, among others, have not yet adopted BIMI.
Disable BIMI
To disable BIMI simply go to the domain name management page related to the Mail Service and delete the corresponding TXT registration.