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Add an extension to Jelastic Cloud
This guide details the various Infomaniak extensions available within the marketplace Jelastic Cloud.
List of Jelastic Cloud Extensions
- CPU Calculator simplifies the estimation of the power you need in vCPU.
- BitNinja Protects the Jelastic Cloud environment of your choice in 1 click against the most common threats.
- Swiss Backup automates backup of folders and environments of your choice. The plugin allows you to configure the frequency and retention policy of backups.
- ClamAV is an antivirus to scan upon request containers of your choice. Practical to check the presence of malicious codes, mining or viruses.
- Grafana and Prometheus allow you to collect useful measurements of your containers and view them in modern dashboards in Grafana.
- Zabbix Server simplifies the deployment of a fully customizable alert system.
- SSH Direct Access facilitates access to your containers without passing through Jelastic's public gateway. Ideal for emergency access to your servers.
Get to know theblog articleInfomaniak on this.
Install an extension from marketplace
To this end:
- Log in to Jelastic Cloud dashboard from your server.
- Go on Marketplace.
- Look for and install the desired extension.
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