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Test the streaming radio bitrate
This guide provides information about the audio bitrates of Infomaniak Radio Streaming.
Test Audio Bitrate
The connection test available on your Manager evaluates the connection between your server (the one from which you encode your streams) and Infomaniak installations located in Geneva, Switzerland.
It measures the time required to send or receive data as well as the response time. These measurements may fluctuate depending on network traffic. The test determines the required bitrate taking into account the available bitrate. However, if other data transfers are in progress, the measured bitrate may be lower than the theoretical bitrate of your line.
If in doubt, note the test results at different times of the day, as well as the technical details of your connection and the number of computers sharing the line.
To broadcast a radio without disruption, a quality Internet connection and sufficient bitrate are necessary. The bitrate must always ensure a margin of free bandwidth. If your connection is shared between the radio and other devices, the broadcasting quality may be affected.
A standard ADSL connection is generally sufficient, but for uninterrupted broadcasting, it is recommended to dedicate one connection to your radio and rent another for other uses. You can also ask your access provider to check the quality of the line and measure the actual bandwidth.
To detect any temporary saturations of your line, launch a long-duration buffer test.