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Share a Web app address book Contacts Infomaniak
This guide explains how to share contacts with other users from Web app address books Contacts Infomaniak (online service)
Share an address book
To share contacts:
- Click here to access the web app Contacts Infomaniak (online service)
- Click on the action menu â‹® to the right of an address book.
- Click on Share:
- If there is already one current sharing and you want to start another, click on Share at the top if not on the button Share lower:
- Enter Mail account email address the user who will access the address book.
- If the user does not yet have a Mail account, they can create one for free.
- Specify the rights of the user on this address book (Administration, Reading Only, Reading and Writing)
Contacts created or moved/copyed to this address book will be visible to all users with access to sharing.
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