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Solve Soft Bounce / Hard Bounce Errors
This guide explains how to manage type errors Soft Bounce & Hard Bounce which may occur in the context of sending emails and especially when using the Newsletter Infomaniak.
Hard Bounce
A hard bounce is an email that cannot be delivered for reasons permanent.
- e-mail sent to a false address
- domain of the recipient's e-mail which is not a real domain
- recipient server that does not accept e-mails
- etc.
Example of the Infomaniak Newsletter tool after sending with 20% Hard Bounce:
Soft Bounce
A soft bounce is an error message which indicates that the mail is not delivered to its recipient and corresponds to a pre-delivery problem temporary: the email address is valid, the sender can repeat the sending.
Several reasons can explain a soft bounce and therefore the recipient's server temporarily refuses the email:
- the recipient's inbox is full: due to lack of sufficient storage capacity, the recipient no longer receives the messages
- a problem occurs in the recipient's email server: the server is temporarily unavailable or inoperative, or the user has inadvertently set filters that prevent the reception of certain messages
- when the content of the e-mail, including its attachment files, is too large, the problem of routing occurs at the time of sending
Unless the recipient has permanently abandoned his inbox without deleting his account, the soft bounce is a temporary problem.