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Invite a user to use an existing email address
This guide explains how to allow a user (friend, collaborator, client, family member, etc.) the simple and secure use of an email address that you have created within a Mail Service Infomaniak as Administrator of the Organization concerned.
- In most cases, no password should be sent to the user.
- Email address will be added automatically to the interface Mail User Infomaniak, after accepting the invitation.
- Be aware of this other guide if you are looking for additional information about simply creating an email address for yourself.
Invite to use the e-mail...
... since the Service Mail
To allow an already active user to access the email address you want to share:
- Click here in order to access the management of your product on the Manager Infomaniak (Need help?).
- Click directly on the nameallocated to the product concerned.
- Click on the email address concerned in the table that appears.
- Click on Invite at the top of the table (table of users currently having the relevant address on Mail):
- Choose to generate a sharing link (or invite a user already existing in the organization).
- If necessary, define restrictions among the permissions it is possible to attribute to the user.
- Click the blue button:
- Enter the password of the email address.
- Copy the link to be shared with the guest Mail user.
- Change the language of the invitation if necessary.
- Enable mailing/SMS if necessary:
... from the Web Mail Infomaniak app
To access the same process as above but from the Web Mail Infomaniak app (online service) mail.infomaniak.com):
- Click here to access the Mail Infomaniak Web app (online service) mail.infomaniak.com).
- Click on the action menu ⋮ to the right of the email address concerned.
- Click on the Parameters of the e-mail address:
- Click on Invite:
Accept invitation
In order to consult the email address to which he is invited, the user executes in his browser the link he has obtained:
- A first window tells him who is the person who invited him, and what email address he will be able to consult after establishment the user account (or connection to its existing user account).
- The guest user connects to the account.
- Its interface Mail Infomaniak directly displays the new address that it can now use.
In case of a problem
If the button Invite (item 6 above) not visible or remains shaded, verify that:
- your user account has sufficient permissions to administer the product in question
- the email address concerned does not yet exist as a connection identifier to an Infomaniak Organisation
- the table under the button does not mention a user listed with an email address identical to the email address concerned
Example: you would like to invite someone to consult the address anna.a@domain.xyz but the button is grayed because a user anna.a@domain.xyz is shown on the table.
Solution: in order to be able to invite a new user to consult the address concerned, Remove the entire account user with the relevant e-mail address as the connecting address.