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Create a "catchall" address
This guide explains how to create a "catchall" email address on a Mail Service Paying.
- A "catchall" email address retrieves all e-mails sent to e-mail addresses non-existent in the field.
- This is the ideal if you wish to receive all the messages for which there is no specific address in your domain.
- The e-mail address must be precisely called "catchall" and must appear as a creative address on the mail service of the domain concerned.
- Also read the important recommendations at the end of this guide.
Create a catchall address
To access the Mail Service and create the catchall address:
- Click here in order to access the management of your product on the Manager Infomaniak (Need help?).
- Click directly on the nameallocated to the product concerned.
- Click on the chevron to the right of the blue button Create an email address.
- Click on Create a generic email address.
- Choose Catchall.
- Click on Continue:
- You use the email address
which works and exists on the Mail
.- You have also created an address
on the Service
- You have also created an address
- An e-mail is sent to
because the sender incorrectly spelled the address of the recipient. - The e-mail But it'll happen anyway. on the box
that you just need to check in the Mail interface of your choice
Important recommendations
The creation of this type of account is not recommended:
- Catchall addresses receive all emails sent to any domain address; this means that they are often flooded with spam, which can be difficult to manage and filter.
- Due to the high volume of spam, legitimate messages can be drowned and lost in the mass, which can result in the loss of significant communications.
- Catchall addresses can potentially be used by attackers to target your domain with brute force attacks or other methods, as they offer an easy target to test different address combinations.
In short, managing a catchall address can become tedious and complicated, especially for large organizations with many employees and departments.
In addition, if you configure the "Responder" function on an address catchall@ in your domain, no automatic response will be sent to people sending a message to a non-existent address in the domain.
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