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Restore an email account (recover deleted emails)
This guide explains how to recover recently lost emails, especially in case of accidental deletion by the user.
- Infomaniak backs up the content of each email address once a day (usually early in the morning).
- It is therefore possible to restore the mailbox to its state on the day of the backup.
- Emails no longer existing at the time of the restoration request will be returned to their original location.
- Certain settings related to your email address (the "answering machine" section and the "redirection" section, among others) will also be restored if they have changed in the meantime.
- Moved but not deleted emails may not reappear in the expected location since they still exist somewhere in the email account's folder structure - you need to search for them.
- The backup restoration does not include the calendar or the address book.
- Emails that were not yet present or no longer existed at the time of the daily backup (also see the POP3 chapter below); example: an email received at 8 am, deleted at 9 am while the backup took place at 5 am.
- Emails received, created and stored in various folders (such as sent messages) during the interval (between the date you want to go back to and the date you perform the restoration) are not affected, they remain present.
Backup retention period
Once a full backup of your mailbox has been completed, Infomaniak makes it available to you for a certain number of days depending on your offer:
- my kSuite = 7 | my kSuite+ = 30
- kSuite Standard 1 max. user = 30 | kSuite Standard 2 min. users = 30 | kSuite Pro = 30 | kSuite Entreprise = 30
- Service Mail Starter = 7 | Service Mail 5 addresses min. = 7
By upgrading to a my kSuite offer, it is possible to recover a backup up to 30 days even if the 7 days have passed at the time of the upgrade.
Also refer to this other guide regarding the storage limits of your messages.
Restore from the Infomaniak Web Mail app
- Ensure that the deletion occurred less than 7 days ago (or within the timeframe included with your offer - see above).
- Have permission to manage backups: if you had been invited to the Web app Mail Infomaniak (online service mail.infomaniak.com) to manage your address, it is possible that the Service Mail manager has revoked this right from their admin account.
To restore emails:
- Click here to access the Web app Mail Infomaniak (online service mail.infomaniak.com).
- Check or select the email address in question from the dropdown menu on the left sidebar.
- Click on Advanced actions.
- Click on Restore:
- Choose a Restoration date.
- Click on Restore emails.
- Once the restoration is complete, an informational email is sent.
Restore from Mail Service
- To be Administrator or Legal Representative within the Organization that manages the Mail service.
- Ensure that the deletion occurred less than 7 days ago (or within the timeframe included with your offer - see above).
To restore emails from a Mail service:
- Click here to access your product management on the Infomaniak Manager (need help?).
- Click directly on the name assigned to the relevant product.
- Click on the email address concerned in the table that appears.
- Click on the Actions on the address button at the top right.
- Click on Restore emails:
- Choose a Restoration date.
- Click on Restore emails.
- Once the restoration is complete, an informational email is sent to you.
Emails stored in non-conventional folders
If you store your messages in unusually named folders (for example, folders named Corbeille or Spam) please refer to the important information in this other guide on the subject.
Users of email software/client configured in POP3
If you usually check your email with a software/email client like Outlook and it is configured with the POP / POP3 protocol, it will not be possible to restore everything since the backup is done once a day, it only keeps the messages that were at the time of the backup in the Infomaniak inbox; the same applies to your other folders (Sent Messages for example) present in the POP3 application: these are not synchronized with Infomaniak and therefore are not backed up; it is therefore better to prefer the IMAP protocol in your software/email client in the future.