Domain Privacy
The ultimate solution for protecting your private information in the WHOIS directory
-20% CHF 2.79 from CHF 2.23 / year
Protect the confidentiality of your personal information
Domain Privacy protects the contact information of the owner of a domain name in the WHOIS directory. Normally, this public database is used to verify the availability of a domain name and who it belongs to, but marketing companies and scammers can also exploit it for other purposes, like sending spam or identity theft.
Domain Privacy
Domain Privacy
Domain name
Case postale 1314
1211 Genève 26
Without Domain Privacy, your data will be visible to everyone
Your email is vulnerable to SPAM
Your personal information is visible publicly (name, address, phone number)
You may be bothered without your permission
Your identity can be stolen by malicious people
With Domain Privacy, your information is protected
Protection for your identity and your personal information
Protection against SPAM
Protection against data abuse
Professionals can contact you safely
Why protect your identity?

Protect against hackers
Domain Privacy prevents your identity being stolen and used for commercial or unlawful purposes.

Block unsolicited email
Spammers and bots will no longer be able to harvest your email address in the public WHOIS directory.

Make your identity anonymous
Domain Privacy replaces your personal information (name, email address, telephone number, mailing address) with a neutral representative.
Yoann Lopez | Data Protection Officer
With Domain Privacy, Infomaniak offers an easy, attractive solution for protecting the privacy of your personal information.
This is how Domain Privacy protects your private information
Domain Privacy replaces your private contact information with a neutral representative in the WHOIS directory. This way, you are totally protected against hackers, spammers, hijackers, domain name thieves, and identity thieves. Of course, official bodies and professionals can still contact you using a secure form that protects your privacy.

1 - Domain Privacy protection can be enabled in just one click in the Manager for only CHF 2.23 / year

3 - You are protected against SPAM and the unauthorised use of your private information.
-20% CHF 2.79 from CHF 2.23 / year
Do you already have domain?
1. Log in to the Manager.
2. Go to "Domains".
3. Click on the domain that you want to protect.
4. Enable Domain Privacy in the domain dashboard.
No domain yet?
A single cost-effective price
Domain Privacy costs just CHF 2.23 / year, regardless of your domain extension. Thanks to our competitive rates, your domain with Domain Privacy is still very cost effective.
You remain accessible
Professionals such as business owners or journalists can still contact you using a secure form which blocks SPAM and protects your privacy.
Everyone can take advantage of it
Most of domains managed with Infomaniak can have this coverage. You can easily transfer your domain to Infomaniak.
Learn moreDomain Privacy - Frequently Asked Questions
from CHF 3.00 / year
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- Fast Anycast DNS speeds up website access by up to 50% and reinforces its availability in case of a DoS attack. Discover Fast Anycast DNS
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- If your domain name is important for your activities, Renewal Warranty guarantees that you will never lose it. Discover Renewal Warranty