Sinartis SA
Reseller since 8 year(s)
Web, Mobile application
11 Rue de Cossonay
1023 Crissier
We are an eBusiness and digital marketing development and consulting firm. Sinartis listens to your needs and builds a relationship with its customers that is based on trust and sharing, guaranteeing excellent quality and results.
WordPress Drupal Joomla Typo3 Prestashop Magento Design Referencing (SEO) Marketing (SEA, Email, etc.) Migration to the current Infomaniak console Migration of a site to Infomaniak Repair and protection of a site (security) Redesign of a website Update (optimisation, new content and functionalities)Mobile application
Android iOS Redesign of a mobile application Update (optimisation, new content and functionalities)Certification
Magento Solution Partner